With just a quick glance at your smartphone’s stock market app or flipping any paper or magazine to the business column, you’re bound to come across the circulating news of the craziness of markets at the moment.
One need only pay attention to the nonstop articles Dow Jones and Marketwatch have been been churning out. The reason behind it: worldwide events that are affecting the market drastically deserve the attention—such as the crash of China (Chinese equity markets down about $5 trillion coming from their 2015 high). According to the Wall Street Journal, China’s gross domestic product (GDP) grew just 6.9% on the year and officials are blaming the stock route on an “immature market” and “inexperienced investors.”
In other alarming news, Teeka Tiwari, editor at Mega Trends Investing, explained that it took over 30 years for the junk bond market to reach $1 trillion in size—and now, in the last 4 years, it’s doubled to $2 trillion due to the dot-com era. Additionally, most of that growth is attributed to just one sector: oil and gas.
Putting two and two together: when the world’s second-largest economy, China, posts its slowest growth rate in the past 25 years—contrast this with oil dropping nearly 65% (from $100 to $30 a barrel) it’s clear that the market is for taking, and traders everywhere want a piece of the action.
That being said, and more than ever, opportunity is presenting itself to everyone—and Professional Traders out there believe it’s an ideal time to make a big score. The market is volatile, and just waiting for the brave to take advantage.
The stake of the average person
The big question now is: Can the average, non-Professional Trading person benefit from this current state of the market? The answer is yes. But, while opportunity is clearly out there for the taking, it is a daunting idea to just jump into the market without even just a basic background. Even Professional Traders take care with what they choose to invest in.
Thankfully, Trading Institute is now launching and gearing up to help the average person penetrate into the unexplored waters of the stock market. Arming its students with comprehensive knowledge of trading through a variety of courses provided, the once stock market-fearing person can now move forward and learn how the professionals participate in the game of trading.
Whether for first-timers or professionals, courses of Trading Institute come in variety from ‘7 Things You Must Know about Options Trading’ to, ’Advance Options Trading Course 101.’ At present, and for the starters however, Trading Institute is offering a Trader’s Starting Kit with an incredible discount of just $47.00 because of its recent launch. To get it free* for a short time only see what is on offer with this 45 minute video called ‘3 Secrets Professional Traders Use.’ For more information on the various courses, click here.
Trading Institute is not a licensed financial planning firm. We are simply an education company, who will give you factual information. We do not give any general or specific advice around options, trading, or anything else. That is not what any of our presentations or courses do. Please see a licensed financial planner when it comes to any investment advice you need.
Derek Whitaker
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