The other day I was chopping wood on the farm. I’m certainly the novice when it comes to this sort of thing, and there were some very big blocks that the wood splitter was struggling to break through. After many attempts to break through, I just wasn’t making progress.
Then I remembered an old martial art trick that I had witnessed in action one time. They’d take a block of wood, take a certain stance to get their balance right, practice the motion required to break through, and then action it, smashing through the block of wood with their bare hands like it was paper.
They taught that if you simply focussed on the piece of wood, you were likely to just bounce off it and hurt your bare hand. Now, let me hasten to say I am not suggesting you go out and try this. I am not a martial arts instructor, and you should only consider doing this after the appropriate training with professional instruction.
However, I noted the key they taught to break through, was to not focus on the block of wood, but focus PAST the wood, see beyond it, and break through.
So I tried applying this technique to the massive blocks I was trying to break with the wood splitter.
Rather than focusing on hitting the point where I wanted to split it, I looked through the wood to a point on the chopping block I wanted the block cutter to smash to.
It worked a charm! Several swings later I was starting to make progress, a groove was formed, cracks appeared along the grain, and finally break through!
Then I considered, “What would happen if we applied the same theory to everyday problems including financial ones?”
It would reframe the “problem” from being a blockage we hit up against, to simply a hurdle that just required some greater exertion to break through. Rather than a road block, it’s an opportunity.
After trying this technique a few times on the very dense wood blocks, I also found it was having a ripple effect on the smaller chopping block I was using underneath. It was also breaking down, and finally smashed under the pressure, thanks to the focus I applied on breaking through the block on top.
The power of reframing the hurdle and seeing “through” the situation is a lesson for corporates dealing with issues in the boardroom, the small business owner, the trader, investor, or mums and dad’s trying to figure out how to make extra money.
I have used it on a number of occasions when considering how to invest money, or manage a trade that is giving me difficulty, or solve a problem in business or an investment portfolio.
When a professional trader has a trade go against them they can apply various techniques to mitigate the problem. In some cases it can actually turn into an unexpected opportunity.
Trading Institute’s founder Derek Whitaker says, “Mindset is 80% of the game in trading. The key is reframing the situation and looking for ways to breakthrough. The market is driven by emotion. So for the professional they don’t want to get caught up in that emotional rollercoaster or game. This is important for students who are learning the criteria investors use when deciding how to invest money.”
So what are you focussing on when you hit problems?
Are you focussed on the big issues that seem impossible? Do you keep bumping your head against them, or are you creative looking for a passage through the situation, which will navigate you through to breakthrough?
Being open to opportunity in life and your finances despite your circumstances, can lead to greater paths rather than being stuck in a rut.
What do you need to do today to focus on breaking through the issues, rather than just hitting up against them and bouncing off?
Trading Institute teaches greatly on mindset and many graduates have reported progress and benefits from the mindset teachings.
Discover more on developing a breakthrough mindset, and the secrets professional traders use when it comes to the stock market, by accessing your free video here (link to new landing page).”
DISCLAIMER: Trading Institute is not a licensed financial planning firm. We are simply an education company, who will give you factual information. We do not give any general or specific advice around options, trading, or anything else. Please see a licensed financial planner when it comes to any investment advice you need.
Derek Whitaker
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