For traders learning to trade, having “the strategy” without the proper mindset training is like having the secret sauce, with no meat or wholesome food to put it on.
And yet so many people just want the recipe for the secret sauce. “Just show me the strategy!”
As one of my mentors used to put it, the strategy is useless on its own if people haven’t been taught mindset.
Why? Because eventually this will happen, they will face a loss and freeze like deer caught in headlights.
You see we’d like to declare what many are afraid to say. “All traders make losses.” There. We said it!
If traders claim they don’t make losses, then they have only ever placed one trade in their lifetime which happened to be a winner, or they are liars!
Losses in trading are part of the territory. However, knowing how to handle those losses while protecting capital is the difference between the novice getting wiped out, and the professional who aims to turn a loss into an opportunity.
And it takes a psychological toughness to be able to handle the ups and downs of the market.
Without this training it’s like buying a book on how to drive a car. Someone may know it in theory, but for anyone who holds a licence, they know there’s a big difference from handling a machine on the road in all sorts of weather and traffic conditions than reading a book on the topic. There’s some things that a book just can’t teach you.
So at Trading Institute we show students the process traders go through when they learn how to trade.
It’s like serving an apprenticeship. Just as a “tradie” learns their craft, you may not get ahead in the first four years. In fact a “tradie” has to live with mum and dad through those years to survive economically. But once they have learned the ropes, they have significantly increased the probability of making money and deriving an income from the learned trade. So it is for a trader of options.
You can discover a number of “secret sauce strategies” and the mindset traders’ apply to trade professionally, through one of the courses at Trading Institute.
Enrol for immediate access to our private class “7 Thing You MUST Know About Options Trading”.
DISCLAIMER: Trading Institute is not a licensed financial planning firm. We are simply an education company, who will give you factual information. We do not give any general or specific advice around options, trading, or anything else. Please see a licensed financial planner when it comes to any investment advice you need.
Derek Whitaker
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